Toppa kebnekaise för en bra sak
Donate- Created By:
- Maja, Jackie och Viola
- Collecting for:
- Ge vatten – ge liv!
Toppa kebnekaise för en bra sak
Vi bestiger Kebnekaise, Sveriges högsta berg för att samla in pengar till WaterAid. Genom att stödja oss hjälper du människor i behov av rent vatten. Rent vatten är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet, och vi vill bidra till att göra det till verklighet för fler människor. Var med och stöd oss. Varje bidrag, stort som litet, gör en enorm skillnad för dem som behöver det mest.
Hi! We will be climbing kebenkaise, swedens tallest mountain in June. We are climbing Kebnekaise to raise money for WaterAid. By supporting us, you help people in need of clean water. Clean water is a basic human right, and we want to help make it a reality for more people. Join us and support us. Every contribution, big or small, makes a huge difference to those who need it most. 🩷🤗
Hi! We will be climbing kebenkaise, swedens tallest mountain in June. We are climbing Kebnekaise to raise money for WaterAid. By supporting us, you help people in need of clean water. Clean water is a basic human right, and we want to help make it a reality for more people. Join us and support us. Every contribution, big or small, makes a huge difference to those who need it most. 🩷🤗
5,786 kr
123 Days left
Recent activity
Lena Carlsson donated 500 kr
Delar afrikaminnen m Jackie, och gillar allt hon gör! This is great!
Nicola Nahum donated £20
Best of luck with your walk for a great cause. X
Tticia Arculus donated £20
Maya, Great cause, weldone for planning this. Hope you enjoy the climb up Kebnekaisa. From Tricia, Gerry, Khan and Kimi
Ramon Bardolet donated 100 kr
Well done 👍 Enjoy it!!!
Eliana Shaw donated 100 kr
Well done for doing the climb. I hope you enjoy it. Good luck
Liora Shaw donated 100 kr
Have an amazing walk. Good luck.
Maya Stavisky donated £20
Well done Maja!!
Anonymous User donated £30
Nicole Kaser donated 500 kr
Awesome cause, that’s fantastic ! ⛰️💪. Love from the Kasers
Danny Nahum donated £20
Best of luck!
Lawrence Shaw donated 200 kr
Good luck.
Paul Shaw donated 500 kr
Great idea. We are all cheering for you.
Anonymous User donated 100 kr
Hjördis Boström Djärv donated 500 kr
Bra initiativ.❤️
Simon Conroy donated 100 kr
Supporting this Adventure!!
Jonathan Shaw donated 500 kr
Well done! Good luck with the climb.
Tessa Djärv donated 500 kr
Fredrik Österholm donated 500 kr
Kul initiativ och stöd till en bra sak!
Anonymous User donated 50 kr
maja Shaw donated 50 kr