Water hunters, lets save the planet!
Donate- Created By:
- maria moghrabi
- Collecting for:
- Ge vatten – ge liv!
Water hunters, lets save the planet!
we have an instagram account @watter_hunters
we want to help children and adults to have the right to drink healthy and clean water!
we are students that wants to save the planet!
please help us and lets help the planet!
vi har ett instagramkonto @watter_hunters vi vill hjälpa barn och vuxna att ha rätt att dricka hälsosamt och rent vatten! vi är studenter som vill rädda planeten! snälla hjälp oss och låt oss hjälpa planeten!
Giving clean water improves the health of families and children, keeps children in school, gives women and girls back their time lost collecting water, and empowers the leaders of tomorrow.Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids.Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature
we want to help children and adults to have the right to drink healthy and clean water!
we are students that wants to save the planet!
please help us and lets help the planet!
vi har ett instagramkonto @watter_hunters vi vill hjälpa barn och vuxna att ha rätt att dricka hälsosamt och rent vatten! vi är studenter som vill rädda planeten! snälla hjälp oss och låt oss hjälpa planeten!
Giving clean water improves the health of families and children, keeps children in school, gives women and girls back their time lost collecting water, and empowers the leaders of tomorrow.Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids.Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature
1,121 kr
0 Days left
maria moghrabi donated 35 kr
Recent activity
Greken J donated 500 kr
Another one
maria moghrabi
we want to thank everyone that has sent someone for donations! keep the donations flowing! -
Hemlig Duvetvem donated 35 kr
maria moghrabi: <33
Greken J donated 500 kr
No one has ever become poor by giving.
maria moghrabi: <3
Aleksandra Djordjic donated 86 kr
Denna gåvan är inte stor men den behövs och en liten gåva kan bli till en stor gåva
maria moghrabi: love u